KIM Extraction from Rock

Once a kimberlite has been discovered, whether it is diamondiferous or not, it is essential to know what portion of the area’s anomalous indicator minerals that body is responsible for. If we analyze the indicator minerals it contains we can gain information on whether there are more bodies to be found in the area. If not all the geochemistry is explained, an examination of the residual indicators will indicate the presence of another body.   In the best case scenarios, where we have a significantly diamondiferous body, we can find out the exact chemistry of the indicators associated with the diamond producing kimberlites. This information can then be applied to other anomalous mineral trains in the area to isolate and discover new significantly diamondiferous bodies.

* The process is much the same as the sediment samples except there is some crushing involved to liberate the indicator minerals from the rock. The crushed material is then immersed in dense liquids to separate the more dense material. That material is then sent to microscope observation for picking and analysis.

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